Horse and book model

Client Readers and Literature Festival Duration of work month Tools used Fiberglass + wood Service Horse and book model The Horse and the Book: A masterpiece that celebrates literature and heritage “The Horse and the Book” is one of the most recognizable works of art that reflects the spirit of Arabic heritage and marries equestrianism […]


Readers and Literature Festival

Duration of work


Tools used

Fiberglass + wood


Horse and book model

The Horse and the Book: A masterpiece that celebrates literature and heritage

“The Horse and the Book” is one of the most recognizable works of art that reflects the spirit of Arabic heritage and marries equestrianism and literature. With its monumental design, the sculpture stands proudly in the Qatif Cornicheas part of the Readers and Literature Festivalto be a major attraction for everyone wandering around the festival.

Design and concept art

“The Horse and the Book” is a pair of stunning, symmetrical pieces of art. The model includes Two snow-white horsesstanding balanced and elegant on a open book Made of the same pure white material. The two horses symbolize strength, courage, and Arabic originality, while the book symbolizes knowledge, culture, and literary creativity.

This marriage between horses and books embodies the deep connection between intellectual and physical strength, and is an invitation to reflect on the relationship between horsemanship, as a symbol of strength and challenge, and writing and literature, as a tool for the transmission of human thought and experience.

Dimensions and materials

The sculpture is designed on a massive scale to match its outdoor location, standing more than 5 meters to be visible from a distance. Durable and high-quality materials such as fiberglasswhich ensures its durability and beauty over the years. The design of the model with this material makes it able to withstand external weather conditions without being aesthetically compromised.

Precise technical details

Not only does the model depict horses and books, it is also decorated with Embossed words Carefully placed on the pages of the book and on the body of the horses, they are inspired by famous literary works. These words attract visitors and pique their curiosity to read more, making it a powerful way to engage with the audience and encourage reading.

Factory’s participation in the Readers and Literature Festival

This artwork was a key part of our participation in the Readers and Literature FestivalIt contributed to spreading the message of the festival in innovative visual ways. The installation helped attract a large number of visitors and drew attention to the importance of reading and literary culture, making it a center for cultural discussions and debates.

Why choose us?

At Meba’a Art Factory, we are keen to materialize your vision and turn it into a sculpture that expresses creativity and excellence. By utilizing the best materials and employing a team of experienced artists and engineers, we ensure that we deliver artworks that exceed your expectations and add a unique touch to your project.

Want to add a similar mockup to your project? Whether you’re planning a cultural event, a festival, or just want to add a piece of art to your space, we can design customized sculptures to suit your needs. Contact us today to turn your ideas into reality.

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